- Selalu menghargai usaha dan penat-lelah isteri, terutama isteri yang bekerja dan sama-sama terpaksa menanggung hutang suami.
- Bila isteri bercakap, pandanglah mukanya dan buka telinga luas-luas. Biar apa yang dikatakannya masuk telinga kanan dan tersumbat di telinga kiri. Sambil tu otak suami kenalah memproses informasi yang diterima daripada isteri dengan bijak serta prihatin.
- Jangan sekali-kali membandingkan masakan isteri atau cara isteri menghias rumah dengan mak anda kecuali masakan/cara menghias isteri anda lebih baik dan canggih dari emak anda.
- Jangan minta hubungan intim sekiranya isteri tak ada mood atau letih. Agama suruh kahwin bukan semata-mata untuk penuhi nafsu syahwat saja.
- Kalau pasangan dah ada anak, sama-samalah menjaga anak. Benih dari awak juga.. Ada suami, isteri sedang makan disuruh cebok kencing n berak anak sedangkan suami duduk tersandar kekenyangan macam maharaja.
- Jangan sekali-kali duduk tersandar depan TV atau relax-relax sedangkan isteri bila balik dari kerja, buka saja kasut terus masuk dapur, memasak, mengemas, membasuh, kejar anak dsbnya. Berbulu mata dan sayu hati isteri bila kami tak cukup tangan nak menguruskan rumahtangga sedangkan suami lepas tangan.
- Sekiranya suami makan dahulu, tinggalkan sedikit lauk utk isteri. Jangan bedal semua sampai turn isteri yang tinggal cuma ekor ikan sekerat, janggut sotong dan ekor taugeh.
- Kalau nak ajak member bertandang ke rumah, beritau isteri dulu, kalau boleh sehari-dua in advance. Jadi bolehlah dia memasak yang best-best dan mengemas rumah cantik-cantik. Bayangkan perasaan isteri kalau tetamu datang terpacak sedangkan kain-baju masih berlonggok belum sempat dilipat, permainan anak masih berselerak dan isteri cuma masak mi maggi saja.
- Jangan sekali-kali menyakat isteri tentang saiz badannya yang semakin sihat atau semakin melidi. Tengok body sendiri dalam cermin dulu.
- Jangan kentut depan isteri. Masa bercinta dulu kenapa boleh control kentut?
- Hormatilah ibu-bapa dan kaum keluarga isteri walaupun anda cuma main wayang, bodek mereka masa nak mengurat isteri anda dulu. Jangan sekali mencaci mereka walaupun secara bergurau.
- Jangan kedekut dengan isteri serta keperluan rumahtangga.
- Jagalah maruah anda sebagai suami dan lelaki. Selagi boleh, jangan bebankan isteri dengan masalah kewangan anda. Selalunya perempuan ni, semakin suami “degil” tak nak minta pertolongan, selagi itulah dia rela nak tolong.
- Jangan bersepah dan bersikap pengotor. Dah buka baju, letakkan dalam bakul baju kotor, dah guna cungkil gigi, buanglah dalam bakul sampah, bila dah guna ubat gigi bubuh balik penutupnya, dah ambil sesuatu barang simpan balik ditempat asal, dah berak flush. Susah sangat ke nak buat macam tu? Semua nak kena ajar ke?
- Rajin-rajinlah bertanya isteri kalau dia perlukan bantuan anda dengan kerja rumah/menjaga anak. Tapi jangan tanya dua tahun sekali. Jangan tunjuk rajin bila ada tetamu di rumah saja.
- Hormatilah isteri anda sebagaimana anda mahu dihormati. Isteri pun manusia. Allah berikan banyak keistimewaan kepada para isteri tapi diputar-belitkan tafsirannya oleh orang lelaki untuk kepentingan diri sendiri.
- Jangan main kayu tiga dengan perempuan lain. Main lain lagi tak boleh. Kalau isteri awak yang buat, tentu awak tak boleh tolerate, jadi mengapa isteri awak kena tolerate kalau awak buat?
- Kalau tak menyukai sikap atau perbuatan isteri, tegurlah secara baik, jangan asyik nak menengking aja. Kalau awak sakit nak mati nanti, siapa yang kena jaga awak? Bai jual roti? Apek jual sayur? Jiran sebelah rumah awak?
- Kalau isteri nampak tak sihat, cepat-cepatlah bawa jumpa doktor. Tunjuklah anda mengambil berat tentang dirinya.
- Berbincanglah dengan isteri sebelum sesuatu keputusan dibuat. Walaupun suami megah ada kuasa veto, tak jadi bapok kalau pendapat isteri diambil kira. Pokok pangkalnya ialah timbangrasa dan saling menghargai. Cubalah ketepikan ego yang keterlaluan. Bukannya laku bila dah mati nanti.
- Dalami agama dan bimbinglah anak isteri dengan ikhlas seperti yang dituntut agama. Ingat, kalau seorang suami masuk syurga, besar kemungkinan isteri pun masuk syurga. Kalau suami masuk neraka belum tentu isteri juga masuk neraka. Kalau isteri masuk neraka, besar kemungkinan suami juga masuk NERAKA tapi kalau isteri masuk syurga belum tentu suami pun masuk syurga.Ini bukan rekaan saya tapi saya dengar dari seorang ustaz.
- Berusahalah dengan ikhlas untuk mempertahankan keharmonian rumahtangga. Jangan buat apa yang isteri tak suka. Percayalah, kalau suami buat baik sekali dengan isteri, isteri balas sepuluh kali
- Jangan buat donno kalau isteri merajuk atau berkecil hati. Kalau perlu minta maaf, minta maaf, kalau perlu dipujuk, pujuk. Hati orang pompuan ni sensitif. Kalau kami rasa suami tak ambil kisah, perasaan bagai dihiris-hiris. Perkara yang dipandang remeh oleh suami boleh menjadi kanser kepada isteri. Kepada para suami khususnya dan kaum lelaki amnya, janganlah dianggap masalah hati dan perasaan orang perempuan ni enteng sahaja.
Semua bebelan & tulisan yang dipaparkan di blog ini adalah 100% dari pemikiran penulisnya, tidak ada kena mengena dengan sebarang organisasi yang dianggotai penulis, samada secara rasmi mahupun tidak rasmi. Jika anda tidak boleh menerimanya, sila tinggalkan blog ini. Jika anda bersetuju dengan pendapat saya, sila tinggalkan komen. Terima kasih.
07 Oktober 2010
Pesanan Buat Sang Suami
10 Ogos 2010
Panduan Singkat Berpuasa Ramadhan
Berikut ini adalah petunjuk singkat mengenai puasa yang meliputi : Segi hukumnya, golongan manusia dalam soal puasa, hal-hal yang membatalkan puasa dan beberapa keutamaannya.
- Puasa adalah ibadah yang dilaksanakan dengan jalan meninggalkan segala yang menyebabkan batalnya puasa sejak terbit fajar hingga terbenam matahari.
- Puasa Ramadhan merupakan salah satu rukun Islam yang agung, sebagaimana sabda Nabi sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam,"Islam itu didirikan di atas lima perkara; Bersaksi tiada sesembahan yang hak melainkan Allah dan bersaksi bahwa Muhammad itu utusan Allah, mendirikan shalat, mengeluarkan zakat, puasa Ramadhan dan berhaji ke Baitullah." (Muttafaq 'alaih)
Golongan Manusia dalam Berpuasa.
- Puasa diwajibkan kepada setiap muslim, baligh, mampu dan bukan dalam keadaan musafir (bepergian).
- Orang kafir tidak diwajibkan berpuasa dan jika ia masuk Islam tidak diwajibkan mengqadha’ (mengganti) puasa yang ditinggalkannya selama ia belum masuk Islam.
- Anak kecil di bawah usia baligh tidak diwajibkan berpuasa, tetapi dianjurkan untuk dibiasakan berpuasa.
- Orang gila tidak wajib berpuasa dan tidak dituntut untuk mengganti puasa dengan memberi makan, walau pun sudah baligh. Begitu pula orang yang kurang akalnya dan orang pikun.
- Orang yang sudah tidak mampu untuk berpuasa disebabkan penyakit, usia lanjut, sebagai pengganti puasa ia harus memberi makan setiap hari satu orang miskin (membayar fidyah).
- Bagi seseorang yang sakit dan penyakitnya masih ada kemungkinan untuk dapat disembuhkan, jika ia merasa berat untuk menjalankan puasa, maka dibolehkan baginya tidak berpuasa, tetapi harus mengqadha'nya setelah sembuh.
- Wanita yang sedang hamil atau sedang menyusui jika dengan puasa ia merasa khawatir terhadap kesehatan dirinya dan anaknya, maka dibolehkan tidak berpuasa dan kemudian mengqadha'nya di hari yang lain.
- Wanita yang sedang dalam keadaan haidh atau dalam keadaan nifas, tidak boleh berpuasa dan harus mengqadha'nya pada hari yang lain.
- Orang yang terpaksa berbuka puasa karena hendak menyelamatkan orang yang hampir tenggelam atau terbakar, maka ia mengqadha' puasa yang ditinggalkan itu pada hari yang lain.
- Bagi musafir boleh memilih antara berpuasa dan tidak berpuasa. Jika memilih tidak berpuasa, maka ia harus mengqadha'nya di hari yang lain. Hal ini berlaku bagi musafir sementara, seperti keluar untuk melaksanakan umrah, atau musafir tetap, seperti pemandu trak & bas (luar daerah), maka bagi mereka boleh tidak berpuasa selama mereka tinggal di daerah (negeri) orang lain dan harus mengqadha'nya.
- Jika seseorang melakukan sesuatu perbuatan yang membatalkan puasa disebabkan lupa atau tidak mengerti atau pun tidak sengaja, maka puasanya tidak batal. Berdasarkan ayat,
- "Ya Tuhan kami, janganlah Engkau hukum kami jika kami lupa atau kami bersalah." (QS. al-Baqarah : 286)
- "Dan tiada dosa atasmu terhadap apa yang kamu khilaf padanya, tetapi (yang ada dosanya) adalah yang disengaja di hatimu." (QS. al-Ahzab : 5)
- Jika orang yang sedang berpuasa makan dan mimun karena ia yakin bahwa matahari telah terbenam, maka puasanya tidak batal; dan tidak batal pula puasa orang yang makan dan minum karena yakin bahwa fajar belum terbit (padahal yang sebenarnya waktu sahur telah habis).
- Jika orang yang sedang berpuasa berkumur, lalu masuk sebahagian air ke dalam tenggorokannya tanpa sengaja, maka puasanya tidak batal. Dan tidak batal puasa seseorang yang ketika tidur bermimpi (hingga keluar mani), karena tidak ada nash yang menyatakan hal tersebut batal.
Hal-hal yang membatalkan puasa ada lapan :
- Melakukan jima' (hubungan intim suami istri) pada siang hari Ramadhan bagi yang sedang berpuasa, maka wajib mengqadha' puasanya dan membayar kafarah mughallazhah (denda berat) yaitu dengan memerdekakan seorang hamba sahaya. Jika tidak mendapatkan hamba sahaya maka wajib baginya berpuasa selama dua bulan berturut-turut. Dan jika tidak mampu, maka ia berkewajiban memberi makan enam puluh orang miskin.
- Mengeluarkan air mani dengan cara onani atau masturbasi, mencium, memeluk, merangkul dan lain-lainnya.
- Makan minum atau menghisap sesuatu, baik yang bermanfaat atau yang berbahaya seperti rokok.
- Menyuntikkan obat yang dapat mengenyangkan dan dapat menahan rasa lapar, karena melakukan itu berarti sama dengan minum. Sedang menyuntikkan obat yang tidak mengenyangkan, maka hal tesebut tidak membatalkan puasa, walaupun disuntikkan pada otot atau urat nadi, baik terasa di kerongkongan atau tidak.
- Keluar darah haidh dan nifas
- Mengeluarkan darah dengan jalan hijamah (membekam) atau yang serupa. Sedang keluar darah dengan sendirinya atau karena mencabut gigi dan yang semisalnya, tidak membatalkan puasa, karena hal tersebut tidak termasuk dalam pengertian hijamah.
- Muntah disengaja, tetapi jika muntah tanpa disengaja atau dibuat-buat, maka tidak batal puasanya.
- Transfusi darah sebagai pengganti darah yang keluar, seperti seseorang yang sedang berpuasa terluka (kecelakaan dan sejenisnya) yang mengakibatkan keluarnya darah.
Beberapa Petunjuk Berkenaan dengan Masalah Puasa
- Seorang yang dalam keadaan junub tetap harus berniat puasa, meskipun ia mandi janabah setelah terbit fajar (Subuh).
- Wanita yang suci dari haidh sebelum fajar tiba (bulan Ramadhan), maka wajib berpuasa walaupun ia mandi besar setelah terbit fajar.
- Seseorang yang sedang berpuasa dibolehkan mencabut gigi, mengobati luka atau menggunakan obat tetes mata/telinga.
- Diperbolehkan bagi yang sedang berpuasa untuk bersiwak, baik diwaktu pagi maupun siang hari, bahkan itu termasuk sunnah Nabi sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam.
- Untuk mengurangi rasa panas dan dahaga dibolehkan menggunakan AC atau air dingin untuk membasahi kepala.
- Bagi penderita sesak nafas meskipun sedang berpuasa diperbolehkan menyembur mulut dengan sesuatu (berupa udara/gas) yang dapat melonggarkan pernafasan.
- Orang yang sedang berpuasa diperbolehkan membasahi bibir dengan air bila terasa kering dan juga diperbolehkan berkumur-kumur namun dengan syarat tidak tertelan.
- Disunnahkan mengakhirkan sahur, hingga menjelang Fajar dan segera berbuka setelah matahari terbenam (Maghrib).Diutamakan berbuka dengan kurma rutab (kurma yang masak), jika tidak ada rutab dengan kurma yang lain, dan jika tidak ada kurma boleh berbuka denga apa saja yang halal atau berbuka dengan minum air apabila tidak menjumpai makanan.
- Orang yang sedang berpuasa sangat dianjurkan untuk memperbanyak amalan sunnah, seperti solat sunnah, membaca al- Qur'an, berzikir dan bersedekah.
- Bagi yang sedang berpuasa tetap diharuskan menjaga dan mengamalkan kewajiban-kewajiban yang lain serta menjauhi perbuatan-perbuatan haram. Hendaknya ia menjaga solat dengan menjalankannya tepat pada waktunya dan berjama’ah di masjid bagi kaum lelaki.
- Hendaknya selalu menjauhkan diri dari perbuatan-perbuatan tercela yang dapat menghapus pahala puasa seperti : Berdusta, berbuat curang, menipu, riba, berbicara yang haram dan sebagainya.
Keutamaan Puasa Ramadhan
- Dengan puasa Ramadhan Allah mengampuni dosa orang yang berpuasa dan memaafkan semua kesalahannya, Nabi sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam bersabda,
- "Barang siapa berpuasa di bulan Ramadhan karena iman dan mengharap pahala dari Allah, maka Allah mengampuni dosanya yang telah lalu". (HR. al-Bukhari dan Muslim).
- Puasa Ramadhan tidak terhingga pahalanya, karena orang yang berpuasa akan mendapatkan pahala tanpa batas. Setiap muslim amalannya akan diberi ganjaran sebesar 10 hingga 700 kali ganda, kecuali puasa. Firman Allah di dalam hadis qudsi,
- “...Kecuali puasa, sesungguhnya puasa itu untuk-Ku dan Aku sendiri yang akan mengganjarnya, ia menahan nafsu dan makan karena-Ku.” (HR. Muslim) *
- Puasa dapat membuka pintu syafa’at nanti pada hari Kiamat. Rasulullah sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam bersabda, “Sesunggunya puasa dan bacaan al-Qur’an memberi syafa’at kepada pelakunya pada hari Kiamat. Puasa berkata, ”Ya Tuhanku aku telah menahan hasrat makan dan syahwatnya, maka berilah aku izin untuk memberikan syafa’at kepadanya. Berkata pula al-Qur’an, ”Wahai Tuhanku, aku telah menghalanginya dari tidur untuk qiyamullail, maka berilah aku izin untuk memberikan syafa’at kepadanya. Nabi bersabda, ”Maka keduanya diberikan izin untuk memberi syafaat.” (HR. Ahmad).
Segala puji hanya bagi Allah, selawat dan salam semoga sentiasa terlimpahkan kepada Nabi Muhammad sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam, beserta para keluarga dan sahabatnya. Amin.
Something To Think About For This Coming Ramadhan
Thank you to the original writer...
Ramadhan Fallacy
1. I have been to many countries and observed that the custom of iftar (berbuka puasa) at hotel or restaurant only prevails in Malaysia. I do not know how and when this phenomenon started.
2. When I was attached to sales / marketing section some time ago, I had to make sure that all the company customers were invited to at least one session of iftar at hotel. If I was late to invite them or missed any one of them, they unashamedly asked me when their turn would be.
3. The cost per person is never less than RM60 while the food were just normal food that may cost in total RM10 if bought from the Ramadhan food stall. Think of mee goreng, karipap and air bandung. In fact, most of the times, the guests would not eat much.
4. The hotels are making huge profit during Ramadhan. The fasting Muslims contribute to this huge profit when rightfully they should be channeling the money to the more needy ones especially during Ramadhan. Spending RM60 per person for iftar goes against the very spirit of Ramadhan.
5. When Ramadhan should be the time for us to learn to be thrifty and to share with the less fortunate both emotionally and physically, we do the exact opposite. We even take for granted the halalness of the food that we take for iftar. Even worse, we invite others to join in the syubahat.
6. Most of the time, when we take iftar at hotel or restaurant, we miss to pray Maghrib on time. We will be too consumed with the food and the guests or spending long time queuing for the food. By the time we decide to pray, the small prayer room arranged by the hotel or the restaurant will be pack with the guests. By the time our turn to pray, it is almost Isha'.
7. Most of the time too, we will miss the Terawih prayer as the chatting and socializing will continue until the last meal is served. Some of us do plan to perform solat Terawih later at home during this particular night, but by the time we reach home, we are just too tired and directly go to sleep.
8. Nothing good is realized by having iftar at hotel or restaurant. This phenomenon defeats the very essence of Ramadhan in every single aspect. The better way to have iftar is either at home with the family members or friends or at functions that are laced with Islamic itineraries, or better still, at mosques.
Ramadhan Fallacy
1. I have been to many countries and observed that the custom of iftar (berbuka puasa) at hotel or restaurant only prevails in Malaysia. I do not know how and when this phenomenon started.
2. When I was attached to sales / marketing section some time ago, I had to make sure that all the company customers were invited to at least one session of iftar at hotel. If I was late to invite them or missed any one of them, they unashamedly asked me when their turn would be.
3. The cost per person is never less than RM60 while the food were just normal food that may cost in total RM10 if bought from the Ramadhan food stall. Think of mee goreng, karipap and air bandung. In fact, most of the times, the guests would not eat much.
4. The hotels are making huge profit during Ramadhan. The fasting Muslims contribute to this huge profit when rightfully they should be channeling the money to the more needy ones especially during Ramadhan. Spending RM60 per person for iftar goes against the very spirit of Ramadhan.
5. When Ramadhan should be the time for us to learn to be thrifty and to share with the less fortunate both emotionally and physically, we do the exact opposite. We even take for granted the halalness of the food that we take for iftar. Even worse, we invite others to join in the syubahat.
6. Most of the time, when we take iftar at hotel or restaurant, we miss to pray Maghrib on time. We will be too consumed with the food and the guests or spending long time queuing for the food. By the time we decide to pray, the small prayer room arranged by the hotel or the restaurant will be pack with the guests. By the time our turn to pray, it is almost Isha'.
7. Most of the time too, we will miss the Terawih prayer as the chatting and socializing will continue until the last meal is served. Some of us do plan to perform solat Terawih later at home during this particular night, but by the time we reach home, we are just too tired and directly go to sleep.
8. Nothing good is realized by having iftar at hotel or restaurant. This phenomenon defeats the very essence of Ramadhan in every single aspect. The better way to have iftar is either at home with the family members or friends or at functions that are laced with Islamic itineraries, or better still, at mosques.
31 Januari 2010
Prof. Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas on Usage of word "ALLAH
On December 13, 2009, during the Worldview of Islam Seminar organized by the Assembly of Muslim Intellectuals or Himpunan Keilmuan Muda (HAKIM), there was a question being posted to Professor Al-Attas regarding the polemical usage of the word "Allah" by the non-Muslims.
Below is the transcript of his brief-but-yet- concise enlightening remarks. As a word of caution, though, one must not only rely on this brief transcript alone to understand the whole spectrum of Prof. Al-Attas' view about this theological matter. Further thorough elucidation of his thought can be found in numerous works of this great Muslim scholar of this age, such as Prolegomena to the Metaphysics of Islam, Islam and Secularism, Islam dalam Sejarah dan Kebudayaan Melayu and A Commentary on Hujjat al-Siddiq of Nur al-Din al-Raniri.
Question: The using of kalimah “Allah” by other people in this country
Answers by Prof. Syed Muhammad Naquib Al-Attas:
Well I have been talking about this long time ago. I remember about this in ISTAC, when we first established ourselves (late 80’s and early 90’s), I think the Arcbishop of Penang was asking this question. And I have answered that.
And then we had a meeting with the Archbishop of Kuala Lumpur and about all the representatives of Christianity, including the ministers, we had a meeting at ISTAC.
And I said, “Why you want to use the word ‘Allah’ for yourself?”
They said “we going to pray in Bahasa Malaysia”
That’s the way they put it. So my answers to them, “Why you have to change praying into Bahasa Malaysia. You have been praying in English all the time. Why suddenly change into Bahasa Malaysia?”
Ok, so they said they want to change so that it more patriotic. Then in that case I’m saying that “why don’t you use Tuhan while praying in Bahasa Malaysia? Because you are talking about God isn’t it?…God is not just a name…”Allah” is a name of this Being whom you called God… and in fact a Being whom even higher than what you called to be God”
And then I said, “ …and “Allah” is not from Bahasa Malaysia. It is not a national language. It belongs to the language of Muslim all over the world. Therefore your argument using this for the word “Allah” does not fit into your idea of God. Because “Allah” does not have a son, It is not one of three (Trinity), that is why out of respect to Allah we can’t allow you to use this.“
But when we Muslim, when we write in English we say God, or when we talk to people we say God but we mean “Allah”…but they cannot say when they speak about God it means “Allah” as they don’t mean it.
So in this particular respect, we have to be clear about this, not was-was (hesitate).. . .whomever responsible in our governing, they have to be clear about this and to explain to others.
We agree you want to use God, then use Tuhan as we also use that…but we understand in the Malay language that Tuhan is not a translation of Allah..that is why we say “tiada Tuhan melainkan Allah” not “tiada Tuhan melainkan Tuhan”. We don’t say “there is not God but God”..at least the ulama’ among the Muslim Malays, we understand what is the meaning of that (word “Allah”).
So “Allah” cannot be translated as no language has translated Allah. The Arabs themselves they only use that after Islam..although the word existed (before)..the Christians Arab they also did not use Allah (in theological, epistemological and ontological sense in the same manner as the Muslim)..if they say that it is just a language..they talking about language..because they say “Allah” like the Muslim when they (melatah)…
So it appears they want to do that in order to confuse the Muslim into thinking that all the same..that is why I say one of the problems about religion is the nature of God..about who Allah is..that is why in Arkanul Iman (The Pillars of Faith), the first thing is “amana billah”.
“Who is this Allah?” and that need to be explain at higher institution in a proper way…
So we have answer the question. It is not proper to allow them using this, since they asking us and there is no point bringing this to court since this is not a matter of court to decide it whether they have the freedom to use it or not. It is up to the Muslims.
But then if they used it and said “in Indonesia they have use it, why can’t we?”…but it is because of the Muslims..if Muslims don’t care they will go on and use it..and in Indonesia they are using not only that, other things they even call it “choir” as “selawat”. Choir is not a “selawat”, as “selawat” is for Prophet..it’s not singing hymn..
And they also talk about..in Indonesia they are also confuse..Muslims. .that is why this thing happen. Sometimes the language when you come across English words like “Prophet of Doom” in Indonesia they said “Nabi celaka”. How can there be “Nabi celaka”? What is meant by the “Prophet of Doom” is…even the word Prophet in English does not mean “Nabi” only…it means “yang meramalkan malapetaka”..that what it means…so the “Prophet of Doom” means “yang meramalkan malapetaka”, not “Nabi celaka”.
They (the Muslims in Indonesia) seem not to bother about this. What we can say is that ultimately well they say “God is not Allah”...well if you want to use the word God, we are saying we also use the word God, we refer to Allah as we know and we are not saying that your God ultimately will not refer to Allah. You can’t run away from Allah. You can only escape Him and so in the Qur’an (surah An-Naas) says: “Qul aAAoothu birabbi annas, Maliki annas, Ilahi annas”. He (Allah) is saying “ I am the real Ilah (God) of naas (mankind)”, although mankind (non-Muslim) does not interpret it that way.
My comments:
If that is the case, that shows how persistent were the Christians in finding the loopholes be it in legal or cultural dimension to further their cause that might create confusion to the Muslim's polity if not being mitigated by the governing authority of this land.
As I iterated before, by having confused so-called Muslim authorities which normally appear in the silhouette of Salafism/Wahabbism as well the Modernist/Reformist (actually they are just the two sides of the same coin), the "public sphere" itself has been flooded with confused views which do no good to the Muslim's cause in defending their creed from blasphemy.
It is best to leave this matter to the Muslim scholars who have been trained as Theologians (mutakallimun), that possessed in depth understanding on Islamic Theology, Islamic and Western Philosophy as well knowledge about the Western Civilization (which Christianity is one of the mosaic part of the whole picture) to deal with this issue succinctly.
Most of them that I have known are the young protege of Muslim scholars who being trained by Prof. Al-Attas himself during his days in the "original" ISTAC like Prof. Wan Mohd. Nor Wan Daud (ATMA-UKM), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zainiy Uthman (IIUM),Prof. Alparslan Acikgenc (Fatih University), Dr. Mustafa Ceric (Grand Mufti of Bosnia-Hezergovina) , Dr. Zaidi Ismail (IKIM), Dr. Sani Badron (IKIM), Dr. Wan Azhar (IKIM), Dr. Farid Shahran (former VP of ABIM, IIUM) Dr. Wan Suhaimi Wan Abdullah (UM), Dr. Azizan Sabjan (USM), Dr. Adi Setia (IIUM ) Ustaz Asham Ahmad (IKIM), Ustaz Nik Roskiman (IKIM) while Prof. Al-Attas' students from Indonesia who have fought closely in this issue the likes of Dr. Syamsuddin Arif, Dr. Hamid Fahmy Zarkasyi, Dr. Adian Husaini, Dr. Khalif Muammar, Ustaz Adnin Armas, Dr. Ugi Suharto and many others. Do google their name for further references.
Below is the transcript of his brief-but-yet- concise enlightening remarks. As a word of caution, though, one must not only rely on this brief transcript alone to understand the whole spectrum of Prof. Al-Attas' view about this theological matter. Further thorough elucidation of his thought can be found in numerous works of this great Muslim scholar of this age, such as Prolegomena to the Metaphysics of Islam, Islam and Secularism, Islam dalam Sejarah dan Kebudayaan Melayu and A Commentary on Hujjat al-Siddiq of Nur al-Din al-Raniri.
Question: The using of kalimah “Allah” by other people in this country
Answers by Prof. Syed Muhammad Naquib Al-Attas:
Well I have been talking about this long time ago. I remember about this in ISTAC, when we first established ourselves (late 80’s and early 90’s), I think the Arcbishop of Penang was asking this question. And I have answered that.
And then we had a meeting with the Archbishop of Kuala Lumpur and about all the representatives of Christianity, including the ministers, we had a meeting at ISTAC.
And I said, “Why you want to use the word ‘Allah’ for yourself?”
They said “we going to pray in Bahasa Malaysia”
That’s the way they put it. So my answers to them, “Why you have to change praying into Bahasa Malaysia. You have been praying in English all the time. Why suddenly change into Bahasa Malaysia?”
Ok, so they said they want to change so that it more patriotic. Then in that case I’m saying that “why don’t you use Tuhan while praying in Bahasa Malaysia? Because you are talking about God isn’t it?…God is not just a name…”Allah” is a name of this Being whom you called God… and in fact a Being whom even higher than what you called to be God”
And then I said, “ …and “Allah” is not from Bahasa Malaysia. It is not a national language. It belongs to the language of Muslim all over the world. Therefore your argument using this for the word “Allah” does not fit into your idea of God. Because “Allah” does not have a son, It is not one of three (Trinity), that is why out of respect to Allah we can’t allow you to use this.“
But when we Muslim, when we write in English we say God, or when we talk to people we say God but we mean “Allah”…but they cannot say when they speak about God it means “Allah” as they don’t mean it.
So in this particular respect, we have to be clear about this, not was-was (hesitate).. . .whomever responsible in our governing, they have to be clear about this and to explain to others.
We agree you want to use God, then use Tuhan as we also use that…but we understand in the Malay language that Tuhan is not a translation of Allah..that is why we say “tiada Tuhan melainkan Allah” not “tiada Tuhan melainkan Tuhan”. We don’t say “there is not God but God”..at least the ulama’ among the Muslim Malays, we understand what is the meaning of that (word “Allah”).
So “Allah” cannot be translated as no language has translated Allah. The Arabs themselves they only use that after Islam..although the word existed (before)..the Christians Arab they also did not use Allah (in theological, epistemological and ontological sense in the same manner as the Muslim)..if they say that it is just a language..they talking about language..because they say “Allah” like the Muslim when they (melatah)…
So it appears they want to do that in order to confuse the Muslim into thinking that all the same..that is why I say one of the problems about religion is the nature of God..about who Allah is..that is why in Arkanul Iman (The Pillars of Faith), the first thing is “amana billah”.
“Who is this Allah?” and that need to be explain at higher institution in a proper way…
So we have answer the question. It is not proper to allow them using this, since they asking us and there is no point bringing this to court since this is not a matter of court to decide it whether they have the freedom to use it or not. It is up to the Muslims.
But then if they used it and said “in Indonesia they have use it, why can’t we?”…but it is because of the Muslims..if Muslims don’t care they will go on and use it..and in Indonesia they are using not only that, other things they even call it “choir” as “selawat”. Choir is not a “selawat”, as “selawat” is for Prophet..it’s not singing hymn..
And they also talk about..in Indonesia they are also confuse..Muslims. .that is why this thing happen. Sometimes the language when you come across English words like “Prophet of Doom” in Indonesia they said “Nabi celaka”. How can there be “Nabi celaka”? What is meant by the “Prophet of Doom” is…even the word Prophet in English does not mean “Nabi” only…it means “yang meramalkan malapetaka”..that what it means…so the “Prophet of Doom” means “yang meramalkan malapetaka”, not “Nabi celaka”.
They (the Muslims in Indonesia) seem not to bother about this. What we can say is that ultimately well they say “God is not Allah”...well if you want to use the word God, we are saying we also use the word God, we refer to Allah as we know and we are not saying that your God ultimately will not refer to Allah. You can’t run away from Allah. You can only escape Him and so in the Qur’an (surah An-Naas) says: “Qul aAAoothu birabbi annas, Maliki annas, Ilahi annas”. He (Allah) is saying “ I am the real Ilah (God) of naas (mankind)”, although mankind (non-Muslim) does not interpret it that way.
My comments:
If that is the case, that shows how persistent were the Christians in finding the loopholes be it in legal or cultural dimension to further their cause that might create confusion to the Muslim's polity if not being mitigated by the governing authority of this land.
As I iterated before, by having confused so-called Muslim authorities which normally appear in the silhouette of Salafism/Wahabbism as well the Modernist/Reformist (actually they are just the two sides of the same coin), the "public sphere" itself has been flooded with confused views which do no good to the Muslim's cause in defending their creed from blasphemy.
It is best to leave this matter to the Muslim scholars who have been trained as Theologians (mutakallimun), that possessed in depth understanding on Islamic Theology, Islamic and Western Philosophy as well knowledge about the Western Civilization (which Christianity is one of the mosaic part of the whole picture) to deal with this issue succinctly.
Most of them that I have known are the young protege of Muslim scholars who being trained by Prof. Al-Attas himself during his days in the "original" ISTAC like Prof. Wan Mohd. Nor Wan Daud (ATMA-UKM), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zainiy Uthman (IIUM),Prof. Alparslan Acikgenc (Fatih University), Dr. Mustafa Ceric (Grand Mufti of Bosnia-Hezergovina) , Dr. Zaidi Ismail (IKIM), Dr. Sani Badron (IKIM), Dr. Wan Azhar (IKIM), Dr. Farid Shahran (former VP of ABIM, IIUM) Dr. Wan Suhaimi Wan Abdullah (UM), Dr. Azizan Sabjan (USM), Dr. Adi Setia (IIUM ) Ustaz Asham Ahmad (IKIM), Ustaz Nik Roskiman (IKIM) while Prof. Al-Attas' students from Indonesia who have fought closely in this issue the likes of Dr. Syamsuddin Arif, Dr. Hamid Fahmy Zarkasyi, Dr. Adian Husaini, Dr. Khalif Muammar, Ustaz Adnin Armas, Dr. Ugi Suharto and many others. Do google their name for further references.
11 Januari 2010
RM2 billion ditarik balik dari peruntukan Kementerian Pelajaran
Apa natijahnya?
- Pelajar yang tinggal di asrama diminta balik ke rumah-masing setiap hujung minggu. Macam mana cikgu nak buat kelas tambahan?
- Banyak program pembangunan sukan sekolah terpaksa ditiadakan. Banyak sukan terpaksa membatalkan kejohanan peringkat Bawah 15 Tahun di peringkat kebangsaan.
Walaupun begitu, sekolah-sekolah masih diminta untuk menjalankan banyak aktiviti yang pada hemat aku boleh mengganggu waktu P&P. Bukankah lebih baik jika guru-guru dibebankan dengan tugas mengajar sahaja tanpa kerja-kerja perkeranian? Jikapun guru-guru perlu terlibat dengan tugasan luar sekolah, hanya untuk perkara yang mereka mahir atau faham sahaja. Kembalikan aktiviti sukan (MSSM Daerah/Negeri) pada waktu petang tanpa mengganggu waktu persekolahan.
Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia,
Catatan (Atom)